Let's get REAL

Realize that in order to reach the least, the last, the lost, the lonely and the left out, you must educate yourself and others; activate by joining others in this movement; and most importantly, be motivated out of love – the kind of love that only God can give.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

School's Out!

My son's last day of school was before Memorial Day. Some kids don't get out until mid-June, but there is always a great celebration and kids get very excited to tell people their summer plans. They have a grand idea of lazy days, many hours of swimming and going and doing lots of fun things.

What about the kids who don't look forward to summer? They don't dare tell their classmate that summer is a time when they don't know when or even if they will have food. Summer means more time to kill and more time for adults to use and abuse them. That vacation "break" means long hours with nothing much to do and nowhere to go, unless you are trying to find a new place to hide.

My aunt and uncles say my dad was the best at hiding when their father came home - as a result, he wasn't beat much. My father grew up in a very poor family. He used to sit on the roof of their shack with a .22 and watch for his mom and sister walking home from the grocery store. He wanted to try and protect them. His older brothers got him started selling newspapers on the street corner when he was in elementary school so he could have money to buy dinner. He worked all the way through school in order to have food to eat and money to buy his own clothes. He joined the military right out of high school because it was guaranteed pay, room and board and he could send home money to his mother. My dad was fortunate that he had a mother who truly loved him and tried the best she could with her 8th grade education to raise a family.

Children in these situations are very likely to be trafficked. Many have little to lose and not much to go home to. Some have parents that don't care and some already have been traumatized in their own homes, many by their own family.

Let's remember to pray for children - the younger they are, the more vulnerable. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14, Mark 10:14 and Luke 18:16. What are you doing to remove barriers? Are you a hindrance to children coming to Jesus?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

Every child in the world has a mother. Most of us are not perfect, but we try our best and love our children with a deep love that is unexplainable to anyone who is not a mother. Children are a blessing from the Lord and I am so privileged to be a mom to a wonderful, handsome, amazing second grade boy.

Today, we should pray for moms whose children have been trafficked. I can't imagine the searing pain. Some of them don't know where their children are or even if they are dead or alive. Some know the full story. I'm not sure which is worse in a trafficking situation - not knowing or knowing exactly the pain your child has gone through or is going through.

Last night, I watch an episode of "16 and Pregnant" for the first time. I've heard people who claim that it glorifies pregnancy. Last night's episode was very real and heartbreaking at times. The young lady was pregnant with twins because her boyfriend said it was awkward to have to buy condoms. He was extremely disrespectful to her family and prone to fits of rage. He eventually attacked her and was picked up by police. Fortunately, she has very loving and supportive parents who knew the young man was bad news, helped her and will continue to help her as she raises her twin boys and finishes high school. Not everyone has parents with tough love like this. They were real with her, and there was tension because they knew their daughter needed to make the right choices, and it was hard to watch her keep making bad choices. Let's pray for this young lady and others like her. Not every pregnant teen has a good support system like she does. Not every teen has the courage to break off a relationship with someone who is abusive.

Jesus, be with this young lady who is celebrating Mother's Day this year for the first time. Help other teens to learn from her situation and make good choices when it comes to dating, sex, and violent relationships. Thank you that you love us so much, even when we make choices you know will lead to destructive behavior. Comfort moms today who have lost children. Amen.