Let's get REAL

Realize that in order to reach the least, the last, the lost, the lonely and the left out, you must educate yourself and others; activate by joining others in this movement; and most importantly, be motivated out of love – the kind of love that only God can give.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Give and Take

Today is Ash Wednesday. For some, this means a religious ceremony with a smudge on your forehead. For others, it has little or no meaning. Whatever the case may be for others, it is a day for me to reflect and think about how I am serving Jesus. Many Christians begin observing Lent on this day. This is a focused time of prayer, fasting and doing good for others. This Lenten season, I plan to reflect on the Stations of the Cross and think about what Christ's crucifixion and resurrection mean for my life. For fasting, I have decided to give up computer gaming for Lent. This is going to be quite challenging for me. I have also decided to add a more consistent workout. Each day, I am going to ask the Lord to show me how I can do something for someone else. It may be something very small, but I want to be aware of those around me and serve them when I can.

So, you ask, what does this have to do with human trafficking? Good question. Every day, human trafficking victims are forced to give things up and do things they would not do if they were free. It is our responsibility as Christians to pray for them. We need to open our eyes and see them around us and help them experience rescue, recovery and restitution. Christ died for all of us, not just those of us who live a "normal" life. He suffers each time they suffer. What do we need to give up to help trafficking victims? What can we do, no matter how small, to fight trafficking? I encourage you to reflect during these 40 days before Easter on how God may be calling you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's has long been a celebration of love and friendship with kids exchanging cards and candies and people declaring their undying love for one another. I was engaged on Valentine's weekend 15 years ago. It's a day that is loved by children and persons who have a significant other. Single persons often have mixed feelings on this day. I always send Valentine's to friends and let them know they are loved and appreciated. But what is Valentine's all about?

Nobody really knows. St. Valentine is the name of at least three different saints in the Catholic church in Ancient Rome, all of whom were martyred. The most famous was imprisoned for marrying Christians when Emperor Claudius outlawed marriage for young men as he believed single men made better soldiers.

Standing up for what is right is costly. For Valentine, it cost him his life. Let's remember this day and stand up for what is right, no matter the cost.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Trouble with the Alphabet

I learned about the trouble with the alphabet in my travels around the world. I saw children who were dying of hunger, mothers who had to chose which of their children would live and which would die, families who did not know if they would have a next meal. I saw teenagers who survived growing up in an orphanage to a life that seemed to have no meaning. I saw people brush aside those who needed help and leave the sick bleeding and dying. I saw children who came to a church so they could have a drink of clean water. I saw people walking miles to see a nurse and get vitamins. I don't have all the answers, and neither does this group, but they do have a lot to say. Take some time to view their website. I have the book and it has made an impact everywhere I take it. I hope you will ask me some time about the book. Don't forget that fighting against human trafficking is standing up for children, many of whom do not have a voice or a choice.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Silence is NOT Golden

I have been silent for much too long. Human trafficking is not going away. Just because I am busy, even with good things, gives me NO excuse. To be quite honest, I stopped blogging for awhile because I was frustrated. I got my feelings hurt. But that doesn't compare to the pain and suffering that so many go through daily. I have so much and many of them have nothing. I must not stop telling people that slavery still exists. I must not stop what I am doing to prevent trafficking. I must not stop my efforts at protecting others through buying free trade and other means. I must support prosecution of those who are in support and involved in trafficking. I must not be blind to the suffering of those around me.

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day
is today. I hope you will take the time to pray for those who are caught in the web of modern slavery. Search some websites and learn something new. Look for ways where you can get involved. Shop fair trade and support those who have joined this cause. Open your eyes to what is going on around you and look for signs of trafficking. Do something.

World Hope International

OATH (Oklahomans Against the Trafficking of Humans)

StAT (Stand Against Trafficking)

Equal Exchange (a fair trade company)

Not For Sale

Fair Trade USA

The Trouble With The Alphabet

Oasis USA